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Overcoming a stitch

Most runners know that sharp twinge of agony that hits them in the middle of a run. It's far more common on the right side and seems to be related to your breathing and your food intake. More recent studies...

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Low-impact or high-impact exercise.. Which is best for you?

Exercise is just exercise, right? You move around, burn some calories, lose some weight (hopefully) and get fitter. What's to know about it? You either like jumping around (high-impact exercise), or you don't – in which case, low-impact is just...

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Bad sleep or bad back: Is your mattress at fault?

Recognising mattress faults that disturb sleep and compromise health. Human beings are creatures of habit who enjoy continuity in their daily lives. Our trusty bedroom mattress plays an important role in this respect, given its role in providing years of...

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Are your heels in pain?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It is an irritation or inflammation of the plantar fascia – the structure that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot. This is a strong,...

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Too much fun to be exercise

Let’s face it, exercise can be difficult, at times and even boring. If you are doing something you don’t enjoy, you may be inclined to slow down or give up on exercise. But remember, exercise does not have to be...

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