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Watch your posture: Computer use

In our high tech society, many people spend hours sitting before the computer and suffer from back and neck pain as a result. A poorly designed workstation can contribute not only to loss of productive time because of aches and...

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Proper form in weight training

You have been told that you need to do some weight-training to tone and sculpt your body and improve muscle mass, but no one told you that using improper form during training can be dangerous. Improper form can lead to...

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Stretching to improve flexibility

Stretching is a proven way to improve flexibility or range-of-motion; the amount of movement available in a joint. From most basic of everyday activities such as dressing, reaching overhead or bending to pick up items from the floor to complicated...

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Getting good sleep

Along with good eating habits and regular exercise, getting proper sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people discount the importance of a good night’s sleep, even though there are important physical and psychological reasons for getting...

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Learning to recognise and cope with the stresses in your life

People experience a wide array of stresses at home, at work, and play. While a certain level of life stress is normal, even beneficial as a reaction to positive events (e.g. wedding, the birth of a child, vacation, etc.), too...

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